Friday, May 27th
The initiation which you received of Him stays with you: you need no other teacher, but learn all you need to know from His initiation which is real and no illusion. As He taught you, then, dwell in Him.
1 John 2:27

Praise the Father for all that is and for all He has given you. And thank Him in the quality of your life and service and for all your relationships in which He dwells. For you, like all the children of the Father, are growing gradually into the creation of His fashioning as you increasingly live in Him through My indwelling and the power of Our Holy Spirit.

Entertain no doubts regarding that which you have received as the fruits of your anointing. All you have been taught is of Him, and I have been the Illuminator along the way as you have always known. In due time you will be shown how to share that which you have been given, for it is for all who seek the truth in love and commitment. Subject yourself to that which shall be given you in this. When the circumstance arrives it will be given you to know how and when this should be done.

Meanwhile stay faithfully committed to that which you are being given and to which you have aligned yourself, doubting nothing. And the knowledge and understanding and power to accomplish that which will be given you to do and suffer and perfect will be imparted according to the need.