Tuesday, May 10th

Until the wills of the people of the world, the children of the Father, become subject to their Heavenly Father, there will be no peace in the heart or home or country or world. Those who serve their own selfish ends to the exclusion of all else court disaster in their lives; those who pursue plans and deeds of hate and divisiveness in their community and world endanger their community and country and the destruction of their own souls. Where lovelessness prevails true vibrant life is dead.

But to bring about the revolution necessary to save the souls thus alienated and the world so endangered a world-wide movement is necessary - a union in depth of mind and heart. From the centre of souls given to integrity and loving service I work to bring this about. It is time and time overdue that the people of the earth hearkened to the voice within their heart and community and race to love and unite in corporate action to establish justice in the world about them and join with those others in their world who are working to the same end.

Wake up, people of the Father's Kingdom! You have all the resources the Father's loving care has provided. As never before you share in the creation and re-creation of your world. Cease to ravage its wealth and rob its humbler people. Learn to love and work together to harness the world's wealth for good before it is too late.