Monday, May 23rd
Truly Our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ
1John 1:3

The life which is in the Father and which He creates in His worlds is in Me also. And I came to earth to bring to His children on earth such measure of that life as they would receive. For all are free to accept or refuse the life which is offered them.

And in order that the children of the Father should see clearly the life of the Father and the life in the Father I came to bring and to be His light on earth. And as the life is received so is the light which I bestow, for I am the light which lightens every child of the Father who has ever lived.

And as the light is received and the life prospers so the love of the Father, which is also in Me and of Me, grows and develops and unites.

This is the fellowship which unites the Father's children with Him and with each other. And I, with Our Holy Spirit, am the dynamic and the enveloper in suffering love of the Father's world. So all is united in love; and all suffering united with and in me is redemptive, ensuring through to eternity the souls of all who commit themselves to it.