Wednesday, May 25th
In the man who is obedient to His word love has indeed come to its perfection.
1 John 2:5

And how can he be obedient unless he know what the word for him is? And how can he know unless he listens ? Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any many opens, to him will I bring the light of life. I will provide the means through My indwelling Presence and the power of Our Holy Spirit.

So to listen is to find both illumination and power. And obedience in action is the natural outcome of this contingent. Pray for the quiet spirit, the patient waiting upon the will of the Father in all things.

From this obedience in love will spring wells of love undreamed of, for the Source of all love will be your foundation. Enriched by the outpouring of this love your oneness with the Father will increase, your relationship with His other beloved children more real and dynamic.

And I will come and go in the soul of the child of the Father thus committed. For I am The Word, the expression of the perfect love of the Father before time was and even in and through eternity.

Praise and glorify your Heavenly Father, then, in and through Our Holy Spirit and in perfect union with Me.