Tuesday, June 21st
Keep close to Me, believing.

In your coming and your going, your silence and your speaking, be aware of My Presence. Then you will speak with My voice, giving the Father's message in the power and lucidity of Our Holy Spirit.

Have a limpid clear conscience through continual care and confession to your Heavenly Father when you fail. And trust unceasingly that not only will you be given what to do but also the means and insight in doing it.

Above all, love: Let Our love course through your heart and your mind so that it will work through all you do and into the hearts and minds and souls of others.

What you can do alone is nothing. Your limitations are bounded by your humanity. When you let Me live in you by the power of Our Holy Spirit you are truly and fully the Father's child. The boundaries and limitations of humanity --sole humanity - are lifted. The life of eternity flows freely, giving a foretaste of life in eternity.

So look to Me constantly, continually, continuously, and all will be well.