Monday, June 20th
Seek ye My face: Thy face, Lord, will I seek.
Psalm 27:8

Let My life and My light shine through all that you are and all that you do. I have begun a great work in bringing together of North and South: faithfulness in love is the key to success and progress.

Be quietly relaxed in all you do, not fearing or scurrying : preparation has been made and all will be well. Think through each step rationally and stick to the decision made. Do not offer too many alternatives which confuse. And remember that the blessing of your Heavenly Father, My Presence and the guidance and light of Our Holy Spirit will accompany all that is done.

Share all that you can in every way, recalling that all you have is for this purpose. Above all, show the faith which prompts your action, and find a common denominator between you. On such foundations great things will be laid for peace and justice in the world.

The work is an important part of MY strategy for loving and sharing in Our wonderful world.