Friday, June 10th
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Matthew 6:10

Many misunderstand the meaning and significance of this concept in time and space and in eternity: it is in all these areas of life and activity.

Heaven is the presence of the Heavenly Father, of Our Holy Spirit, and of My loving essence and being. So Heaven is everywhere that sin and evil are not.

But it is a matter of degree regarding its fullness, just as the degree of goodness and virtue varies according to the orientation and commitment of the individual and group and so of Our indwelling and purposeful activity therein.

Heaven is neither place nor present nor past nor future in entirety, but something of each and all in part. Yet it has something of suffering, for growth and parting must be involved, and joy of all kinds and natures. Above all there is purposeful progression into wholeness both of the one and of the many. There is no progress of one without the other, or the individual without the group or the whole without the part.

Consider these things and share such thought as arises from them. But above all live in the light of joyful and purposeful activity, progressing towards Heaven.