Thursday, June 16th
Jesus said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of the Father and all these things will be added to you".
Matthew 6:33

Remember, you are not your own; created in and for love, redeemed at tremendous cost, you are sanctified and empowered to fulfil and complete all that has been begun in you. If this did not involve growth and challenge and sometimes pain this would be strange indeed: the dead body has no pain but neither has it vibrancy or life. To live fully is to be constantly aware of the coursing vitality and the free, compulsive, liberating fulfilling and dynamic force of love at the heart of all things, and to identify in loving faith and trust.

Let anxiety never be entertained, for it is the enemy of progress and harmful when entertained. Remember, love casts out fear. But expect continual and unexpected challenge to action, finding within yourself the resources which will be given you to meet every need.

Recall that everyone you meet is a child of the Father and recognise each as such. Look for the family likeness. Identify with that which you recognise and let your heart and mind and will expend for each as it is given you. The Kingdom of the Father is around and amongst those who love and serve Him, constantly growing and pulsating with life. Harness the energies and help to make them effective for everyone in your life and path. And the blessing of Our love will be upon you.