Thursday, March 30th
Exodus 32:7-14. John5:31-47

Children of Adam, sons and daughters of the Most High and brothers and sisters of the Son of Man, I speak to one and all in every place and race and time and dispensation: listen and respond and follow as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit in the grace and power of Our love.

I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, His Word and Love Incarnate, am the means of knowing and doing the Father’s will according to His loving purpose – His will is given in the context of His Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love.

Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the Scriptures given for your learning and for your understanding of the mysteries of eternal life - as you continue faithful in the Way and obedient in love and self-giving. ‘I am The Resurrection, The Life Way, The Truth, The Life’ ‘I am in the Father, He in Me; all who are in Me are in the Father too’. ‘Come to Me that you may have Life, abundant Life’ in the Father’s Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love, through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.
(John: 10:10.11:25, 14:11, 20,)