Monday, March 13th
Daniel 9:4-10. Luke 6:36-38

Sin is harmful to the soul, complacency in following without full offering of mind and heart will not bring perfection and fulfilment in the Father’s Kingdom. Obedience to the Father’s will and faithfulness to His Word are the only way to fulfilment of His loving purpose for one and all. I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters. Integrity, response to the Father’s Word, and loving kindness to one and all in and through Our love - these are the means of progress in the way of perfection and fulfilment in eternity - in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

Offer your whole self in prayer and contemplation and in your daily coming and your going. So will you fulfil your loving heavenly Father’s loving purpose in becoming Our love to others as you continue faithful in The Way, steadfast in The Truth and open to the Life which We seek to give you and to all the faithful in and through Our love.