Monday, March 20th
St. Joseph
2 Samuel 7:4-5, 12, 14-16. Romans 4:13-16, 18-22. Matt
1:16-18. 21-14

Faith is the gift of the Father, Lord Most High, to all who seek His will and are obedient to it according to His loving purpose. The creation of all that lives and moves and has its being calls each and every one of His beloved sons and daughters to respond to His love in faithfulness to His will and loving purpose.

The Father, Lord Most High offered His only-begotten. beloved and loving Son to one whom He had chosen to love, protect and train in the ways of human life and living. And the Father appointed one of His beloved sons to support and bring the Father’s Love and Word Incarnate into the fulness of His human life that He might fulfil the Father’s will and loving purpose in and through His suffering love and absolute self-giving.

Receive the Father’s gift of faith and love and self-giving – I speak to one, I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters - that you may know and do the Father’s will in all things in and through His Love and according to His loving purpose.