Friday March 7th
Women’s World Day of Prayer

Isaiah 58:1-9 Matthew 9:14-15

The Word of the Most High is with the faithful and the true of heart cleansing, purifying leading and empowering all continuing faithful in the Way.

And the Most High speaks His Word to each one in the quietness of the heart and mind and in the concourse of the whole multitude of the faithfully committed to His will and loving purpose, seeking to draw them close to His caring, all-embracing love and to each other in friendship, fellowship and service to the poor and needy in His world.

This is the new wine offered by the Father, Lord Most High, through His Incarnate Love, to all who receive His Word Incarnate and respond in and through the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.

Listen, then, to the Father’ s Word and follow in the Way in the grace and power of Love’s indwelling.