
Sunday, March 16th

Genesis 12:1-4. 2 Timothy 1:8-10. Matthew17:1-9

The Law the Word spoke and speaks through the prophets and through the sons and daughters of the Father’s love who give themselves to Him through Love’s indwelling - all testify to truth and to the Father’s loving purpose. And that purpose is to perfect and sanctify the children of His love, bring them to His glorious Presence and through them speak the Word of Love with power to know and do His will in faithfulness and fellowship in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love.

The Kingdom is already present in the created world as the faithful in Our love testify through and in their faithfulness, The radiance of the Father’s Love is seen in the Father’s Love Incarnate who came and is present and powerful in the Father’s world that all who seek and respond may have lt, and have it in abundance.

I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and His Incarnate Love, am the Resurrection and the Life, the Truth and the Way to and in eternal life . Believe and trust through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.