Wednesday, November 7th
Philpppians 2:12-18. Luke 14:25-35

Desire and seek the Father’s will with every fibre of your being (I speak to one, I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters), and as it is give you to know it commit all you have and all you are to it through the grace and power of My indwelling and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit. Life is for finding and commitment to the Father’s will and loving purpose in fellowship with all whom you meet along the way and whom the Father also calls into the fulness of His love and fellowship in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love.

But pray constantly to realise that true discipleship in the way is challenging and demanding requiring not less than everything. All who seek to follow in the steps of the Son of Man are given what they seek as they continue obedient to the word spoken in their heart and mind and faithful in Our love.

Be still and know that He who loved you into being and sustains and furthers you in the way through His sanctifying Love and the dynamic of Our Holy Our Spirit is with you always in your following even to the end of time and in eternity.