Sunday, November 18th
Daniel 12:1-3. Hebrews 1011-14, Matthew 13:24-32

All are continually judged by what they do and are and by what they are becoming. The thoughts that you allow to become the ground of your being combine to prompt your action, the Word of the Most High constantly challenging, Our Holy Spirit offering light and leading. And all grow by what they feed on: I speak to one and all.

As all are challenged in their life and living so are they accountable to Him who gave and gives them life and calls them to His Presence in time and eternity and to fulfil His loving purpose for them in the context of His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love.

And when time shall end and the creation and re-creation of all wound up through the cosmic offering of the Son of Man, Son of the Most High in the total operation, all obedient to the Word and faithful in Our love will be brought to the fulness of eternal life in the glorious presence of the Lord of All. And the redeemed and sanctified will live in joy with Him and with each other for evermore.