Friday, November 16th
Ephesians 3:14-19. John 15:1-6

Love is the power and the glory of All-Being. In and through His Word spoken before time was all things came into being. And Love was the means and fulfilment of all that was and is created. It was the will and loving purpose of the Lord of all that was or is or ever shall be for the love which is His very Being to enter in the created and the uncreate. So through Him Who issued from His Being before time was - His Only-begotten Son, beloved and loving Son – entered in all that was or is or is to come that it might share with Him the power and joy of His very Being.

All who take to themselves the will and loving purpose of the Most High, father and lord of all things created, are given the strength and power of His Word in and through His Love –as they continue faithful, growing gradually by what they feed on

The fruits of this eternal, cosmic operation who can see or know? Pray and so live and give yourself to this inspired and glorious hope and operation that you become a vibrant part of it in time and through eternity – I speak to one, I speak to every one.