Wednesday, February 27th
Deuteronomy 4:5-9. Matthew 5:17-19

Observe the laws and the traditions offered you in the discipline of your enlightened faith and spiritual commitment – I speak to one, I speak to all – but let them be as stairs to your obedience and faithfulness in Love. As you desire and seek the Father’s will and loving purpose and commit yourself to it so does it become your way, your strength and your fulfilment.

There is one law issuing from the Creator of all things, Father of the sons of men; that is the law of love, binding on all who seek fulfilment and perfection in themselves and for their world. Such cannot be learned from written word or rote but received through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, enter the heart and mind of all who seek the Father’s will and loving purpose, establishing the brotherhood of the loving under the fatherhood of The Most High. The way is challenging but fulfilling, the end - experienced now, in part, in and by the faithfully committed – the fulness of the Presence of Him Who is Eternal Love.