Tuesday, February 26th
Daniel 3:25, 34-43. Matthew 18:21-35

The Father loves each one of His beloved sons and daughters as though there were no other, and as each one so the family, the group, community and people. Let each and all accept the word He speaks to them in the secret places of their heart and mind and in their life together and commit themselves to the love He offers them. So will the one and many come to that fulfillment, peace and justice, joy and loving-kindness in their life together.

And as the Father’s Son, beloved and loving, forgave His persecutors and those who nailed Him to the Cross of shame for your salvation should you not forgive your friend or neighbour or anyone who hurts or who offends you? I speak to one, I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved Sons and daughters.

Pray that Love may live and grow in you and bring you to the fulness of Eternal Love in the power of Our Holy Spirit.