Thursday, November 8th
Romans 14:7-12. Luke 15:1-18

All life comes from the Father who judges and redeems through His Eternal Word. You are judged constantly, too, by what you are becoming and your response to His redeeming, sanctifying love made manifest in time to bring all things to the joy and glory of the Father’s Presence.

All have sinned and fallen short of the Father’s will and loving purpose. But all are forgiven and restored in life eternal who seek forgiveness and grace and power to walk faithfully in the way through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Each one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters is precious to Him, and for all I died. As the angels of the Father rejoice over one repentant sinner so does the faithful follower in the way thank, praise and glorify the Father and identifies and rejoices with the repentant sinner.