Sunday, November 4th
Wisdom 11:22-12:3. 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2. Luke 19:1-10

The Lord Creator of all that is, Father of all the sons of men, conceived the template of each one of His beloved sons and daughters before time was but left them free to share in their becoming. Through listening to His word and responding to His love the faithful and the true of heart are brought to their fulfilment according to the Father’s will and loving purpose. Our saving, sanctifying love and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit empower, lead and direct all who seek to know and do and walk faithfully in the way offered. All who fall or stumble are lovingly restored in the way as they seek forgiveness for their failure in following.

Pray that the Father's perfect will be done in you and in all you love and pray for in the grace and power of My indwelling.