Wednesday, November 7th
Romans 13:8-10. Luke 14:25-35

Love is Our gift and it enables those accepting it to live in fellowship with each other and brings each one receiving it to the threshold of the Father’s will and loving purpose both for himself and for his world.

I, the Father’s Son, beloved and loving, laid aside the power and the glory of My place at His right hand to enter in the world of His creation to redeem and – with and through Our Holy Spirit – sanctify and bring to the joy and glory of His nearer presence.

True love is challenging and demanding and costs not less than everything. All who seek to serve the Father in obedience, faithfulness and self-giving must follow in the footsteps of the Son of Man even to Gethsemane and Golgotha, identifying in all things with the Father’s loving purpose for himself in the context of the whole.