Tuesday, October 31st
Ephesians 5:21-33. Luke 13:18-21

Be encouraged by the signs of the Father's Kingdom in His world today. Look for them, identify them and share your observations with the one and many. Truly there is much to make anxious the heart and mind of those who look for truth and peace and love in individual and community, in nation and in peoples. But the Father's Kingdom has been established from the beginning: day by day many secretly and openly relate to it and not a few draw strength and comfort from its King who is Creator and Father of all that is or ever shall be.

And I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word am near at hand to every one of His beloved sons and daughters, the joy and the dynamic of countless numbers in His world. Known or unidentified I am the Father's peace, His love, His potential and His progress in His glorious world.