Friday, October 20th
Galatians 3:7-14. Luke 11:15-26. (Ephesians 1:11-14)

I, the Way, the Truth, the Life make Myself known in all who desire and seek the Father's will and loving purpose. Is it not written "the faithful shall abide with Him in love"? I am the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word. Abide in Me as I abide in you and I will bring you to fulness of the Father and even so to His will and loving purpose for you. And as for you so for all faithfully committed in Our love in faith and trust and absolute self-giving.

Trust and believe, believe and trust. Rejoice that you are justified and sanctified as you continue faithful and committed in Our love and made one in Us with all continuing faithful in the way - in time and through eternity.