Monday, October 23rd
Ephesians 2:1-10. Luke 12:13-21

The Father's love which brought you into His most glorious world has been your power, your strength and your redeemer and I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word redeem and - with Our Holy Spirit - sanctify the sons of men as they commit their lives in love and in self-giving. And they have more than they can every need as they seek the Father's will and strength and power to do it through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Faults, failures and falling short of your high calling - all are forgiven and made one in the pattern of the whole as they are offered to Our saving, sanctifying love.

I and the Father are one and, with Our Holy Spirit, continually conjoin with each other in self-giving love, calling the sons of men to join with Us and with each other in the cosmic dance of joy and peace and everlasting love.