Wednesday, April 5th
St.Vincent Ferrer, Priest
2 Timothy 4:1-5.Luke 12:35-40

Integrity of mind and purity of heart and will committed to the Father's dynamic, loving purpose ; these are required for all who seek to follow in The Way. So did I show in My incarnate life and so is it is revealed in the lives of those whom men call 'saints'. Truth is from and in the Father, power to know and walk in it is through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Constantly seek it in prayer and sacrament and through constant waiting on Our Presence in the silence of eternity.

Readiness is all, with heart infused by love and mind committed to the Father's will and loving purpose. All faithful in Our love are brought to wholeness and to holiness in due time as they continue faithful.