Tuesday, April 11th
Isaiah 49:1-6. John 13:21-33.36-38

The night is far spent, the day is at hand : light gradually reveals the way forward and the Son of Man identifies it to the one and many. For it is given to the Son of Man by the Father both to illumine the way forward and also to enable the faithfully committed in His love to proceed in it. And this is through the death of His beloved and holy One , the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love and of the embracing of that sacrificial, loving death into the heart and mind of the committed, faithful follower. Herein is the Father glorified , the Son's mission gloriously fulfilled and all who are in Me and I in them are glorified in time and through eternity.

You are Mine, beloved of the Father (I speak to one, I speak to all faithfully committed to My Saving Name) and you will be with Me forever in the Father's Kingdom of eternal life and light and love and I will bring you to His Nearer Presence in the presence of the redeemed and sanctified. Continue to seek the Father's will and constantly pray for light to know and do it in the grace and power of Our saving, sanctifying love.