Saturday, April 15th
Holy Saturday
1 Peter 3:18-20.19 . 1 Peter 4:6. John 19:38-42

My body, laid to rest in the garden tomb lay inert, dead to the world I had come to save and - through Our Holy Spirit - sanctify. And it was dead indeed. But I had faithfully and completely done that which I was sent to do by my Father. Through the love of Our United Godhead and My obedience even unto death the whole creation is redeemed, each child of man whoever lived or ever will is offered the fruits of my redemption.

And so I go to those who have not heard and do not know of this tremendous truth and offer them the cosmic and dynamic gift for which I died. All who died and who die in ignorance of Our saving, sanctifying love are freely offered it.

Let mind and heart be still awaiting the return of my Spirit to My mortal body. Await with love and quiet expectation in your mind and heart. And when the day of My resurrection dawns rejoice and sing with every fibre of your being . But now be still and watch and pray in expectancy and quiet joy.