Friday, September 8th
The Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Micah 5:1-4. Romans 8:28-30.Matthew 1:16, 18-23

Before time was the means of man’s redemption was present in the heart and mind of Ultimate Reality from where all love and power emanate. So was the loving purpose of Eternal Love to create that which might willingly and lovingly co-operate in a partnership of loving and becoming. So I, the Father’s Son beloved and loving, entered the Father’s glorious world which He had planned from the beginning and also the essential power and means of aspiring to it.

I am the Means, the Power, the Father’s Love Incarnate; Mary,, beloved by Me and by children of the Father, the obedient, humble, loving servant of the Father’s will and loving purpose and faithful daughter of His love the human, loving agent.

Glorify the Father in the love and faithfulness of My beloved Mother. Let her commitment to the Father’s will and loving purpose inspire and lead the one and many into increasing faithfulness in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.