Wednesday, September 13th
Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13. Matt. 4:1-10,13-20

Be fortified in Me . Have faith in all that We impart to heart and mind, and trust the dynamic of Our loving faithfulness. All works for good for all committed to the Father's will and loving purpose . Nothing can come between the Father and the children of His love.

Each beloved son and daughter of the loving Heavenly Father has place and honour in the Kingdom of His love as they respond in faith and trust and self-giving. Each is brought into that perfection which the Father planned for him before time was through the power of Our saving, sanctifying love . And each is guided into making his particular contribution to the Father's Kingdom as he pursues his way in faithfulness

Press on in faith and hope and love, committing all you have and all you are to the Father and to Our Holy Spirit through My Abiding Presence in your heart and mind.