Friday, September 15th
Our Lady of Sorrows
Hebrews 5:7-9. John 19:25-27. Luke 2:33-35

I draw to My Saving Presence every child of man who seeks to know and do the Father's will in love and self-giving. Many strive uncertainly to find the way and I am with each one in all his striving - in failure as in progress. My suffering and My death were the consequence of man's failure to identify the Father's will and loving purpose for themselves and for their fellowmen, and of the sin and wickedness which inevitably issues from it .

My beloved and loving Mother who was with Me through My hours of human anguish and at My death gave all she had and was in sharing My great suffering and anguish. And through the fullness of that offering she shares above all others in the world the power of My redemption. But all the Father's beloved and loving children are called to enter in the mystery of redemption and take it into heart and mind not only for themselves but for all for whom I died.