Sunday, December 31st
Family of Mary
Colossians 3:12-21. Matt. 2:13-15. 19-23.
1 John 3:1,2. 21-24. Luke 2:41-52

I gather in My arms all who seek to follow in the way of righteousness and love , all who fail and falter in the way , and all the frail of heart and mind and body. Believe and trust , trust and believe, and ceaselessly commit yourself to My Indwelling. For I am Love Incarnate and the Father's Son Beloved. We draw into Our Being all who seek the way of faithfulness that they may share Our love both with Us and with each other. That love which is the fabric of Our Being will be in them as they continue faithful.

Be subject to the law of love and love will reign within your heart and mind and bring you to the joy of the Totality of Our Godhead in eternity.