Sunday, December 3rd
Jeremiah 33:14-16. 1 Thess. 3:9-13. Luke 21:25-26

Wake up, you children of the Father, become what you are called to be; seek His will constantly and let love, which is the substance of Our Being, flood your whole being. This is the point and purpose of your life, the way to establishing the Father's Kingdom in His world. For this I came into His world, to redeem the children of His love and to bring them to His glorious Presence in eternity. Through pain and suffering was My work accomplished, and the children of Our love will suffer too as they identify with Our saving, sanctifying purpose . But I have overcome all evil, pain, and suffering,and the fullness of the Father's Kingdom will be seen and known and personally experienced by all the faithfully committed in Our love - in due time.