Saturday, December 2nd
Apoc. 22:1-7. Luke 21:34-36

Judgment is continually present in the whole creation: the wise are ceaselessly aware of this reality and act accordingly. Love is the judge, love the deliverer. Be ready at all times to be and do and to become all that the Father wills. Invite Me to enable and empower you through My Indwelling. Pray for the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Do not fear the future but be prepared for it. The Father's comprehensive love is over all, My Incarnate Presence is everywhere that sin and evil are not entertained and Our loving Holy Spirit illuminates the way of all committed to the Father's will and loving purpose. Hold on to this tremendous truth: love conquers all things and brings all the faithfully committed to the Father's Glorious Presence in the fullness of eternity.