Friday, February 21st
Jesus said, " If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow Me
Mark 8:34

Jesus said, "I am the true vine ….every branch that bears fruit He prunes to make it bear even more ". John 15: 1 St. Peter Damian.

The Father calls each child of man into life eternal. Eternal life is life with Him and in eternity: it is His gift, bestowed on each one of His beloved children who follow faithfully. And other gifts there are along the way, each one to build the heart and mind and spirit into that unique perfection which is His will for them and for His Kingdom.

Each gift is to be taken to the self, used and offered in the Father's service. None must be clasped to self as it were theirs by right: therein lies the end of joy and progress in perfection. Sorrow may abide for a season in offering to the Father that which is bestowed but joy comes in the morning. For it will become a blessing beyond all expectation or imagining.

My saving love is with each faithful follower in the way, Our Holy Spirit with each one responding to the Father's will and loving purpose. And I invite each one to share with Me the dereliction of Gethsemane and the pain of

Calvary as it is given them and as they are able. So will they find joy and blessing as they continue faithful.