Monday, February 10th
St. Scholastica
All those who touched Jesus were cured
Mark 6:30
Jesus said, "Mary has chosen the better part: it is not to be taken from her"
Luke 10:42

In Me is wholeness and perfection: through Me is salvation and eternal life. This is the truth in time and through eternity. Each child of man born into the Father's world is in My care and keeping. As he grows into adulthood he is offered choice of being and of action. My saving love, Our Holy Spirit's light and leading are always present for his progress in the way and as he takes them to himself so he becomes and does the Father's will and fulfils the Father's loving purpose. Those who turn away are lost to joy, perfection and fulfilment.

Each child of man who seeks the Father's will and loving purpose must learn to step aside from the continuous demands of life and living to find the quiet o eternity for his soul's health and progress and to discern the Father's Presence. Ceaselessly I wait for each to turn aside and give himself in love and trust that We may enter his soul's centre and be his life and light and love through all eternity.