Sunday, February 2nd
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
A light to lighten the people and the glory of Your people Israel
Luke 2:79

The Father's glory shines in all the world: His power and love are waiting to be seen and known, taken to the centre of each heart and mind and made the means of progress and perfection.

Such was My destiny; to be the pattern of perfection and by My death and resurrection to be the means of man's perfection. And so it is. As each child of the loving Father takes to himself our saving, sanctifying love he has our light and life eternal which bring him through his journeyings into the Father's glorious Presence at the last.

And as he grows into the Father's purpose so he identifies with others in the way who join with him in revealing the beauty and the glory of the Father's world. So others are encouraged in the way, the faithful and the many who wander trackless without hope. It is Our light which shines through them and seeks to envelop all in love that all may have that life eternal which the Father ceaselessly desires for each and every one.