Saturday, November 9th
I have strength for anything through Him who gives me power
Philippians 4: 13

Love is the strongest power the world has ever known or ever will in this life or the next. And the Father's loving purpose ceaselessly progresses all His beloved children committed to His will. The path of each is set from the beginning for his way in things both great and small and all combines to build the Father's Kingdom in time and for eternity. Setbacks, failures and the inevitable sadnesses which come to all will be the stepping-stones to growth as they are shared with Me. And I cancel out all sin and failure in the power of My redeeming love.

Address yourself to all that lies ahead with faith and courage and in love for all with whom you travel, and recognise My Presence in the circumstance and people. All things are providential for the pure in heart and those committed to the Father's will and loving purpose.

All will be well as you commit all things to Our Indwelling and protection. Peace be with you now and evermore.