Sunday November 17th
Jesus said to Simon Peter. "Do not be afraid, from now on you will catch men,"
Luke 5:10

All who come to Me in faith and trust and love I make partakers in the Father's gift of life eternal. And as it grows within the heart and mind of those accepting it, so does it bring light and power to all around. It is the Father's loving purpose that all who seek to serve Him and their fellow men receive the power and light and understanding to live and work according to His will, so all who give themselves in love and self-giving become His stewards in His world, Our light and life and saving love to those who look for point and purpose in their living,

Our holy ones on earth are magnets of the Father's love, and signposts to His Kingdom, and I, the means, the guide, and the fulfilment; through faith and trust I operate, and with Our Holy spirit bring all things to perfection.