Saturday, November 2nd
All Souls' Day
At the ninth hour Jesus cried out, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani?" Which means,
"My God, My God, why have you deserted Me?"
Mark 15:34

The loving Heavenly Father has created man to know and love and serve Him in time and in eternity, and through that love and service to become partakers of the glory of His eternal Kingdom. The way is challenging for each, but every one is given all that is necessary to bring him to that glorious heritage as he is faithful to Our light and leading. For Our saving, sanctifying love is the means and the reward of his continuing faithfulness to that which he is called to be and do.

I have confronted for all time the alien power which seeks to draw the sons of men from their true destiny in the Heavenly Father's loving Presence. For this I suffered, died, and experienced separation form My Father's Presence that none should suffer it who sought deliverance.

And I offer every soul whoever lived or ever shall into the hands of Our loving Heavenly Father through My redeeming love. Only the wilfully perverse and culpably evil will fail to be accepted at the end, and that through their own choice. Let all the faithful unite in prayer for all who journey in the way, identifying with My eternal sacrifice, and in the power of Our Love.