Wednesday, March 14th
Jesus said, "Anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first……must be your slave, for the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many."
Matthew 20:28

The truly great in the Kingdom of the Father are those who relate to Him in joyous service through obedience to his loving purpose for His beloved children. And they it is who lead His children and are recognised and followed along the way.

And although that way is joyous and fulfilled, yet it is also challenging and demanding. First the self must be emptied, cleansed and dedicated wholly to the Father's will in all things great and small. Our loving Holy Spirit penetrates to the far corners of the human heart of the totally committed, sweeping and enfiring, so that Our Presence may rule in power for the perfection of that beloved child and for the wholeness of the many.

So as Our Presence increasingly reigns in and through the heart and mind and life of the committed one, so does it attract to itself the causes of hurt in the hearts and minds of His children, suffering them into extinction. And their reward is their perfection at last in the Kingdom of joy and light in the Father's Presence.