Thursday, July 5th
Jesus said, "To prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins." He said to the paralytic, "Get up, and pick up your bed and go off home."
Mark 2:1-12

All the Father's creation is designed for perfection in the fullness of time and circumstance. For the natural world this is a simple process of growth and development. For the Father's beloved human children there is the challenge of conscious thought, the potential of selfless offering, the call to be one in joy and self-hood with the Source of all that is in Heaven and on earth.

And I am one with the Father in all things, for I share the glory, the might and the joy at the heart of all being. So do I identify with His will and good purpose for the sons of man. In time and throughout eternity I embrace and lovingly bear in My arms each child of the Father who gives Me leave. And Our loving Holy Spirit enlightens guides, and perfects that which the Father created from nothing and I have loved and suffered towards perfection.

The way to perfection is through constant turning, re-forming, and embarking again on the way. Problems and pitfalls abound for all but I am present at all times to retrieve, cleanse and strengthen, set again in the way and offer protection to the end of the journey.