Monday, July 16th
Jesus said, "Foxes have holes and the birds have nests,
but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."
Matthew 8:20

Let no-one of the Father's children who sets out on the road of service and self-giving be in any doubt of the demands and the cost. All must travel light, and the way for each is solitary and not without problems and setbacks. Above all, there is need to discover the direction from the Father and to receive the necessary provisioning for the way. Body, soul and spirit must be ministered to as need arises; as each committed child of the Father gives Himself in loving service, so does he grow and mature in the Father's vineyard, already experiencing the first intimations of eternity.

And I feed and provision the loving committed travellers along the way, Our Holy Spirit enlightens and guides and the Father has each and every one in His loving care at every step. Does one fall? The Father raises him up. The frail and anxious He gently holds along the way, the slow He encourages and strengthens.

The way is demanding, the end sure for the true of heart. And the reward for the faithful is sure and full of promise.