Wednesday, July 11th
Jesus said to Peter, "Everyone who has left houses, brothers and sisters, father, mother, children or land for My Name will be repaid a hundred times over,
and also inherit eternal life."
Matthew 19:29

It is the Father's loving purpose to give to each and every one of His beloved children all that makes for fullness of life and living and for the growth and perfection of redeemed, sanctified selfhood. And in this purpose, progress, and perfecting I unite with Our loving Holy Spirit in each and every child of the Father whoever lived or ever will. From the centre of being I offer the fruits of My redeeming love, Our Holy Spirit illumines and guides, and together, with the Father and Creator of all that is, We build into wholeness and holiness, as We are permitted through the increasing self-giving and commitment, the one and the many. So is the Father's Kingdom created, soul by soul, group, community, church, and joint participation the joy and fulfilment of eternity

This is the meaning and purpose of life for all who live on the face of the earth. And the wealth and natural bounty of the earth's surface is for this end, so are the boundless gifts of loving and caring. But all must be held in trust for use and deployment in the Father's service. So are they multiplied and become the means of attaining to eternity.