Saturday, February 25th
Ecclesiasticus 17:1-15. Mark 10:13-16

I, the Lord your God, father of each and every one born into My world, have offered - and constantly offer to one and all - the beauty, magnificence, wealth and power of My glorious world, with knowledge of My will and loving purpose to all responding and offering themselves, in and through My Love to perfection and fulfilment in the fulness of eternity and to knowledge of My will and power to do it in My Presence in the hours and days and years of their mortal life.

Awake to your glorious destiny, sons and daughters of the Father, as you faithfully pace out the way the Father offers you though His Word and Love Incarnate. To refuse to respond is to lose the light and life and power to make progress in His Kingdom, and to fail in uniting with your brothers and your sisters near and far responding to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

Pray for the simplicity and humility of the child and constantly respond to the Father’s Word and Love that you may glorify Him in the beauty of His holiness and become a channel of Our love to one and all.