Tuesday, February 14th
Ss. Cyril and Methodius (died 869 ( died 884)
Acts 13:46-49. Luke 10:1-9

Nearer than hands and feet is the Kingdom of the loving heavenly Father to those responding to His Word and faithful in His Love. It is the Father’s loving purpose that all should become enlightened by Our Presence in the heart and mind (Isaiah 42:5-6) and enlighten all to whom We send them in and through Our redeeming , sanctifying Love.(Isaiah 42:5-6.)

Live simply in and through the grace and power of Our Love; listen constantly to the Father’s Word within your heart and mind that His loving will may be fulfilled in you and that you become Our light and life and power to others according to the Father’s loving purpose: constantly witness to my words to those to whom We send you, ‘The Kingdom of God has come close to you’. (Luke 10:9 (N.E.B.)