
Monday, December 11th
Isaiah 40:1-11. Matthew 11:2-14

‘The word if the Lord will stand for ever’ (Isaiah 40:8). Praise, love and glorify your heavenly Father who has spoken though His Word and calls all His beloved sons and daughters to His Presence, to loving service in His Kingdom of Eternal Life Light and Love and to perfection and fulfilment in eternity in fellowship with all made perfect in and through His Love.

‘Every wild animal in the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills’. (Psalm 50:10.) Each one is precious, each valued and loved as though there were no other. How much more does the Father love each and every one of His beloved sons and daughters, offering them all that is necessary the growth, development in an through His love. And if one of His beloved sons or daughters strays from the fold the loving heavenly Father goes in search of the one who has gone astray (Matthew 8:12)………It is not the will of your Father in Heaven that one that should be lost.

Come, rejoice with me, one and all, according to the Father’s will and loving purpose, and return to the safety and the joy of His Presence.