Thursday, August 10th
St. Lawrence - martyred in Rome 258.a.d.
2 Corinthians 9:6-10. John 12:24-26

Give generously as your heavenly Father gives to you. Seek His will in your giving, and give of yourself in the daily round that the Father may be glorified and His beloved sons and daughters encouraged and inspired in and through Our love. Constantly have the needs of the world in your prayers - above all, peace in the one and many and in and between the nations of the world.

Only through love and self-giving can the Father’s will be done, His loving purpose fulfilled in His world. Follow me, the Son of Man, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, who sought the Father’s will in all things and lived and died ‘that everyone who believes in Me may not perish but may have eternal life’. So live to the glory of the Father and the service of your brothers and your sisters near and far as your heavenly Father leads and guides through Love’s indwelling and the light and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.