Wednesday April 19th
Acts 3:1-10. Luke 24:13-35

The Word of the living, loving God is with and around you at all times and in all places. I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, beloved and loving Son of the Most High, speak to you as to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters in every place and race and time. Open heart and mind and wait upon His Presence as He seeks to pour the Father’s love into your heart and mind and offer you direction in The Way according to His will and loving purpose, with power to do it in and through Our Holy Spirit.

Accept the way, the truth, the life as they are opened up to you and follow as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. The Word is The Way, The Truth, His Very Presence, and Our life given as it is sought in faith and trust and self-giving.

Turn and return as Our Holy Spirit leads and guides, and continue faithful in and through Our love according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

I, The Way, The Truth, The Life make all things well.