Monday, April 17th
Acts 2:14, 22-33. Matthew 28:8-15

King of kings and Lord of lords, The Father’s Word and Love Incarnate is offered to the sons and daughters of the Father’s love who look and listen and respond to the Father’s will and loving purpose in faith and trust and in absolute self-giving.

Receive the Father’s crucified, risen and ascended Son in heart and mind and offer all you have and all you are to your loving heavenly Father that We may bring you to His Presence in and through the grace and power of His Love and become a means of others knowing and receiving, according to His will and loving purpose.

Follow in The Way, grasp The Truth as it is offered you, and receive The Life through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit, and ‘Be faithful even to the end …..’that you may receive the crown of life that The Lord has promised to those who love Him’. (James 1:12).