Monday, October 5th
Jonah 1,1 2:1-11. Luke 10:25-27

‘Obedience is better than sacrifice’ (1 Sam. 15:25). Learn what this means and live by it at all times. I speak to each and every one who seeks to follow in the way of righteousness and of love.

Listen to the Father’s word to and in you: trust and follow as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. The Father speaks through the Scriptures and constantly into the heart and mind of each one of His beloved sons and daughters. And as His word is received in faith and trust and absolute self-giving so is strength given according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

As you love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your strength and your mind so does the Father’s word become active in you one and in the fellowship of the communities of the loving.